Friday, December 10, 2010


To get married is an important decision. You need to know very well the person whom you will share the rest of your life. Make the decision together, discuss with respect each problem, and never forget why they love each other.


My favorite storytelling is about ghosts or legends because it is very entertaining and I can develop my attention. If I listen better, I will memorize more things and read less for the exams.


The best way to do money with the human's curiosity is to see the world and look at the culture of other countries. They make advertising of a tradition or holy day to entertain the people. They do all this for the curiosity to experiment something new, something out of the routine and learn new stuff.

The Language

The language is different in the entire planet, even the way of using language on each region in the same country. It is required a lot of time or very good use of time to learn how to communicate with the people around you. So, see movies, listen to music, maybe read history about the place you are visiting. Some slang are originated because of an event.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


People who are adventurous like this kind of sports because maybe they like to tell good experiences about there lives. Besides, the emotion before they jump to the adventure, I guess is great.

Friday, October 1, 2010


The advertising is a very important topic for the companies because it is a way to get the attention of the people. I learned in the class which the best advertisements are. Also, why it is the best: humor. You can remember any of those when you are between friends and make a joke with some advertising that they watched on T.V or heard on the radio. But a great picture is effective, too. Colors, funny animals can get the attention of a child. So, all depends on the objective of the announcement and the target people.


The fraud or been taken as a fool is a horrible experience. All the people have to be careful with the ID because with a simple phone call, email or someone looking into the trash and finding a piece of paper with this number, they can put you in troubles. In money and marriage, there are the most common frauds. Do not give personal information to anyone, only if you know the person very well.